The Plant Path
Many moons ago…A potent seed went rippling out into the starry Universe…My prayer was to meet a medicine woman in the sacred dreamtime to teach me the traditional healing ways of plant medicine. While I had cultivated an extraordinary relationship with the natural world, I felt a deep soul calling to re-member, re-claim and re-activate further my ancient roots.
And as potent seeds naturally do, they sprouted ‘anew one magical Spring day!
Standing at the center of a beloved Labyrinth in Maui, I spoke my hearts desires while welcoming in the next steps on my journey. Vibrations of light began to emanate from the center of my heart, naturally and spontaneously lifting into a heightened state of awareness. Outstretching my arms to greet the Sun, I welcomed in my helping spirits to guide me on the journey.
…While circling around the final turn of the Labyrinth, the whispering winds spoke to me through the luminous leaves of the tropical trees. “You are a voice for Nature. Go forth. Everything will be revealed to you in time.”