Journey with HAWK
Hawk circles high above the tall ponderosa pine trees. Loosening from one of hawks wings, a luminous feather descends in a slow melodic dance into the center of the circle below.
A gentle stirring and hush resounds among the circle.
A man wearing shoulder length hair, soft in curl, gathers the feather from the ground and places it with great care into the palm of his hand.
He holds the feather in his right hand and takes a few moments to listen.
An owl set high up in the neck of the trees hoots. His presence captivates the attention of the group.
Waving the feather in a circular fashion, and then gently stroking the hawk feather, a message reveals. Listening for the pulse of the feather and the resonance of the field, the gentleman begins to speak.
This message comes at an auspicious time as the circle has just formed with the intention to attune to the earths energies and opening to the voice of Spirit.
“Hello, our dear human friends. Thank You for receiving us with great love and respect. We bring you a message. One for the whole circle. Please know that we are here as partners and allies. We are so happy to have been called in today into your circle. It brings us great joy when we experience this upon the earth. So many of you are gathering today, just like the ancient ones did many many moons ago. It is beautiful to see. Thank You.
It is a time of great change and transformation upon your planet. What an opportunity it is to be on this earth at this time. Always remember how vitally important it is to feel ones roots and to ground ones energy. When we are centered, grounded and connected with the earths energies, we can more easily be here embodied as our spiritual essence.
Hold in your hearts an awareness that your connection with earth, the cosmos and All living beings is vital to the health and well being of the whole planetary system. For WE ARE REMEMBERING, once again, that we all are truly related. That, together, we are whole. We thrive together. Remember that in all your interactions. The truth of what we share today among this beautiful circle.
Is there anyone in the circle that feels any resistance to this change, Hawk lovingly asks?”
A women’s voice comes forth into the circle.
“Hello, hawk. What do I do when I feel anxious or sad. Disconnected? Out of balance?
It’s like I can feel and see the light, but I can’t fully access it.”
The hawk looks up in the sky. Makes eye contact with owl.
Owl exchanges glances with hawk.
“We invite you to feel this separation and fear dear One. Stay with your feelings. As you stay with any feelings of discomfort, open to the beauty of your heart. All the way. Feel all the love inside you radiating out. Open to your joy. Feel how the energy begins to shift.”
“Think of something that makes you happy.”Owl offers from above.
Can you feel this young sister, hawk asks?”
“Yes,” she says with enthusiasm. Thank you. I feel it. I feel it!
The young girl shares. “I realize now that I have been feeling sad. And that by feeling everything
And being in my joy at the same time, it is like giving myself permission to be real. To be seen. To be heard. To feel my power.”
“In all my vulnerabilities, I can feel safe. Connected.
I know I am loved. And I can feel the higher nature of myself.
Thank you, dear hawk. I feel much better and lighter.”
The feather and form of hawk once glowing and active rests quietly in the lap of the gentlemen who had initially received the feather.
The air is still. Hearts open and illuminating. A gentle breeze spirals through the circle, spontaneously lifts the feather and landing into the hands of another. A new message emerges.
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