Calling in the Spirit of Mugwort

The Gaia Green witches gather ceremoniously upon a hip Californian mountaintop. The Sun is shining with a buzz of energy cultivating in the air. Sacred smoke opens the space as a way to cleanse, purify and awaken the senses. A drumbeat calls us in one by one. Each Gaia finds their way around the colorfully rich altar and takes a seat.
The beating of the drum continues and invites us to settle in, calling us closer to Mother Earth. We are a circle of nineteen women gathering as a newly formed group, honoring the practice of the Wise Women Tradition. We are here as plant spirit apprentices committing to the dance to remember and awaken this ancient tradition of herbalism and plant spirit medicine within all the cells of our beings.
A statue of Isis stands tall on the altar. Crystals in various forms, pinecones and natural elements hold court on the center stage to deepen our communion with the nature sprits. Spirited herbal teas conspire and giggle in jars infused with magic, while sacred smoke fills the air.
The fire of our imaginations inspire and awaken our realities. The gentle stirrings of the nourishing plants, Nettles, Oat straw, Red Clover, Dandelion and Burdock, rest in the center of the alter as our plant allies for today.
Twinkling eyes and open hearts illuminate the space. We join hands as we call in sacred space together. We begin by calling in the Seven Sacred directions. East, South, West and North. Above, Below and the Sacred Center (The Heart).
Around the circle we go, making introductions and inviting into the circle a plant spirit that is stirring from the depths of our souls. The spirit of Dandelion, Artemis, Sage and Rosemary are called forth. As so are, Lavender, Nettles, Chamomile and Linden…
As the dance of the spiral grows closer to me, I feel a sense of excitement spilling forth. From the center of my heart I hear a gentle stirring of the winds…..”I call forth the spirit of Mugwort. Thank You Mugwort for your medicine. We welcome you into our sacred circle.”
The circle is cast.
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